Actions to coach healthy masculinity
Parents are the primary influence during your children’s
earliest years. We believe you can make a huge
difference in your son’s behaviors by being a positive role model.
Here are some tips on how you can help the boys in your life develop into healthy men.
Show that it’s OK to be vulnerable
Show boys positive ways to demonstrate difficult emotions.
We all need help sometimes – and that’s OK.
Let boys see you asking for help or acknowledging when you don't know what to do.
Encourage an opinion.
When watching TV or playing video games, help boys develop a healthy open attitude about what they see, and question stereotypes about women and men.
Affirm that bullying is NOT okay
Encourage boys to call it out when they see it – at home, at school or even on the TV.
Identify inequalities and discuss them
Talk to your son about the ways some people face specific injustices. Read them inspirational stories about men who have acted as allies.
Make story time inspiring
Choose a few books that engage boys in healthy ideas of manhood.
Teach by example at all times
Model equality, call out injustices, calmly resolve conflicts and let your sons witness it.